WHARVES | An Interview by Christa Morrow
How did the band form?
We all met through the SCU Bachelor of Contemporary Music program in 2015. Mike, Scott and Matt had an unnamed project that was looking for a drummer. We auditioned a few people and Fraser stood out and joined the band.
How has studying at SCU Shaped/influenced the band?
We all are quite proficient at our instruments so we can perform and communicate our ideas to a high level. We also had access to the studios and rehearsal spaces which were great when we first started. This allowed us to get better and achieve things without the financial burden that other spaces have.
What would you say to aspiring SCU musicians now
Enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to learn and dedicate yourself to your passion, you probably won't have this amount again in your life to really focus on one thing. Also, make the most of the social side of the course, the people in your classes will be your friends, peers, colleagues and professional network when you finish.
Best local gig or venue you guys have played?
Beach Hotel Byron Bay.
How have you found the music scene as a band in the Northern Rivers?
There are so many amazing artists, bands and industry folk around, we are very lucky. Also, three major music festivals on your doorstep is incredible (Bluesfest, Splendour and Falls).
Who are your creative influences with music, artwork, video etc?
Arctic Monkeys, David Bowie and Joy Division.
Most creative thing the band has done?
The Mo's Desert Clubhouse film clip was great, Greg Hodgson is a wizard.
What is the most challenging thing about the creative process?
My own self doubt. Sometimes you have to battle your inner critic.
How has Covid been for you guys?
It definitely stopped all our performances in Australian and UK. But it has made us come together and be more resourceful and I feel we are enjoying being in a band more than ever.
I know you guys joined DZ Death Rays for a European tour, can you narrow any highlights?
London, Berlin and Switzerland were the best gigs. Just travelling together seeing the world was one of the funnest things I've done in my life.
Where to next? What is the big Dream?
Back to tour UK again once it's possible. Gigging around Australia. Recording our own EP, doing the producing and recording ourselves.